CA: AbouxmpHA7oBXmEeWCF8fK2RjdYiAnz9ijVN3ZhmJSQs

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Token Symbol: $SOF

Supply: 1 000 000 000

"Silence of the Frogs" is all about giving ​Pepe the Frog his voice back. You know ​Pepe, right? That green frog meme that ​somehow got tangled up in all sorts of ​stories he never asked for.. This project ​is our way of saying, ’Hey, let’s restore ​the reputation of PEPE and give him the ​voice’. It's about bringing back the laughs ​and the good vibes that Pepe is all about. ​We're here to remind everyone that Pepe ​is not the hate symbol, but the cultural ​phenomenon of kindness and love. So, are ​you in? Let's make some noise for the ​right reasons and show the world what ​the real Pepe community is all about.

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Once upon a time in the vast lands of the Internet, ​a little frog named Pepe hopped into the hearts of ​many. Simple and jolly, Pepe loved to spread cheer. ​But, one day, whispers in the Mass Media turned ​Pepe's joyful hops into shadows. "Silence of the ​Frogs" echoes the tale of Pepe's journey from ​laughter to ‘symbol of hate’, a reminder of how ​quickly joy can be overshadowed by ​misunderstanding.

This tale isn't just about a frog; it's about us. It's ​about choosing to see beyond the shadows, to ​remember the laughter, and to question the silence. ​"Silence of the Frogs" whispers a question as old as ​time: Will you bring back the joy or let the silence ​linger?

What's your choice? Will you stand by Pepe in the ​light, or fade into the silence? This is your tale ​too. Let's make it one of joy reclaimed.

Mass Media portrayed Pepe The Frog as a ‘hate symbol’, even pushing the creator, Matt Furie to ‘kill’ ​the character.

But Pepe that we all know and is not a hate symbol. In fact,pepe ​makes love, not hate

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Pepe makes love, not hate

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$SOF will ​save PEPE

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I vibe wif $SOF so ​much.

Run it to 100 milly ​now

what other memes would’ve said if they could talk

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Oh fuck!

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$SOF is ​dope

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I am $SOF, ​you are $SOF, ​we are $SOF


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